Co-authored blog post/article on Savoir Faire Beauty


Just a quick post to direct you (if you’re interested) to a blog post I wrote with Dr. Shanesha Brooks-Tatum on the in-process transformation of the “green beauty” movement from activist/grassroots to mainstream/luxury on her website, Savoir Faire Beauty. Shanesha and I connected through my channel last year and as two social scientists with a deep interest in alternative/beauty, we decided to collaborate on some research pursuits in this space. Stay tuned for more!

From Grassroots Counterculture to Mainstream Luxury: What’s Happening to Green Beauty?

In other news – I know I still haven’t uploaded the playlist from my last favorites video so that will be forthcoming, as well as a Patreon announcement, and some revamps to this site. I am building a “Shop” page where I can link you to all my hall of fame products, both beauty and lifestyle.

Is it the weekend yet?