My perpetual striving…again revisited!

Well guys here we are. So many promises (best laid plans, really) to blog REGULARLY and then life inevitably happens. But…here we go again. I’m feeling re-inspired to create unique content on here to supplement YouTube and Instagram. These are the platforms I want to invest in (I’m deleting my Twitter account, was on Snapchat many years ago and no intentions to go back…also no to IG stories). So, I’m going to do my best! Also my new Bullet Journal undertaking means I can create a dedicated space to plan blog posts (more on THAT in September Faves).

So to get back in the swing of things, I’m quite proud of the Beauty Heroes One Year Retrospective Review video I uploaded on Sunday. I looked back over all the boxes I’ve (generously) received and walk through each month, and give a comprehensive assessment of the products that stood out the most to me (as well as the small number that I couldn’t get to work). Watch on YouTube!

BeautyKelly Chase