#13: When Beauty PR Falls Short (Patreon)


Episode 13: When Beauty PR Falls Short: Case Study of the Recent Detox Market Bliss Bundle (& other musings)

Your Purpose is Beauty releases new episodes every Monday, and the first Monday of each month is an episode that is exclusive to the L’Amour Patreon community. For $3 per month, you gain access to the private Your Purpose is Beauty Exclusive Episode feed, which shows up as a separate feed in your podcast player of choice (or you can listen directly on Patreon).

This episode released on Monday March 2nd, and in this third exclusive episode of the podcast I’m talking about when beauty products or beauty curations are notably lacking, and how bloggers and influencers handle critiquing beauty PR(spoiler, most just DON’T handle it). I also took this as an opportunity to discuss  why we see so little comprehensive beauty coverage not just among bloggers/influencers but more traditional beauty journalism as well.

Visit patreon.com/lamouretlamusique to start listening to the exclusive podcast episodes!

Kelly Chase